Played basketball with boys' school team today
Not bad
A good experience
Boys are all good basketball players,or should I say they are talented?
Something funny happened....=)
Kinda tired,:D
Decided to train my class' girls because the class match is just on the 9th of November
Unfortunately,my class teachers don't allow them to come down to the hall
No choice,I played with Jessie ,Tze Ning and Lye Kay
After recess,we wore the costume
Decided to show to the headmistress,see whether she allow us to wear that
Went back to the class to put our plastic bags
Kuang Lao Shi said no need to show it to the headmistress because some other classes are not showing her too until the rehersal on Friday
Since it's like that,then we just follow the other classes
We danced in the classroom with our costume using 6C class' radio and the speaker in our class
The speaker is so loud
6S and 6J's pupils came to our class and stood at the door
Watched us dancing,actually is watch our costume
So pai seh~:)
12.30something,Farisha came to take her radio back
we can't practise so we discussed details of the performance
Mandy and Xin Wei had a fight
No teachers came in so we just walked out from the class
Then went back home
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